Bypassing WAF with incorrect proxy settings for Hunting Bugs.

Let’s Suppose the target system has the address-:
"Https: // targetdomain"
By accident, I noticed that some CSS and JavaScript resources were available on the subdomain responsible for authenticating on the site.
The odd thing was that while browsing the end node (something like) I received an HTTP 404 response from the server, which made me suspect the presence of WAF (Web Application Firewall).
"Https: //auth.targetdomain/vulnerable_endpoint? Param = malicious_RCE_payload"
Looking at one of the applications on the host:
(for example, https: // targetdomain/appname/appname ), I got authentication at the address “ https: //auth.targetdomain “ .
So I noticed another strange thing during authentication. At some point, a redirect to an address like : “https: // targetdomain /? Cfru = aHR0cHM6Ly90YXJnZXRkb21haW4vYXBwbmFtZQ = =”
The string “aHR0cHM6Ly90YXJnZXRkb21haW4vYXBwbmFtZQ == “ is explicitly base64 encoded. After decoding, this payload it turned out to be nothing more than the “https: // targetdomain / appname” address , which I tried to access before starting authentication.
The turning point occurred at the moment when I made the following assumption: if the resource viewed directly, our HTTP request immediately goes to the WAF, where there is a rule that recognizes suspicious behavior (the malicious payload pointed to by “param”), sends an HTTP 404 error in response, and actually blocks the attack.
https: //auth.targetdomain/vulnerable_endpoint? param = malicious_RCE_payload
But what if we encode the url
https: //auth.targetdomain/vulnerable_endpoint? param = malicious_RCE_payload
in base64 and the resulting string:
“AHR0cHM6Ly9hdXRoLnRhcmdldGRvbWFpbi92dWxuZXJhYmxlX2VuZHBvaW50P3BhcmFtPW1hbGljaW91c19SQ0VfcGF5bG9hZA ==“
And pass it through the parameter “cfru”:
https // targetdomain /? cfru = aHR0cHM6Ly9hdXRoLnRhcmdldGRvbWFpbi92dWxuZXJhYmxlX2VuZHBvaW50P3BhcmFtPW1hbGljaW91c19SQ0VfhcZGF5=bG9
In this case:
- The request goes through the WAF and is not recognized as suspicious.
- Then the request goes to Bluecoat, where the cfru parameter is decoded and a GET request is sent to the internal host.
- As a result, a vulnerability is initiated.